-review- A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford

First of all...I had so many amazing quotes or little excerpts or just scenes in the book...and narrowing down to 1? simply put is:IMPOSIBLE! So I'll have to squeeze 2 or 3 through the review ;)

--He noticed her giving him the once-over and smiled in a way no gay boy in history had ever smiled at a girl.--

About the book:
How to start? Begging for the second one? Thanking for this one? Crying that it's over? Laughing that it really isn't over? Recoil from the pain it caused? Embrace the reality that shows?
So many starts and not one of them is good enough!

I cannot believe it. It took me almost an entire week to finish this book(even though Leah and Rachel say is because I had to read it in my computer.) Anyways, I can't wait to start it all over again, soon. 

Leah, ladies and gentleman, Leah Clifford is a master of TORTURE and a force to be reckoned with. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Filled with amazing moments that came out of nowhere and at the same time from a place that, deep inside, you knew they will come from.
Beware of: cursing(more than I care to count), sarcasms(tons), snarky remarks, angels, fallen angels, not so fallen angels, awesome hair dye colors, rocking outfits(specially if you love drop-dead literaly-speaking outfits), love(aww), kisses, coffee, death, and much more.

My really jumbled thoughts:
If the very COVER of the book wasn't any sign as to how awesome the book was going to be, then do yourself a favor and read the first page of it, and if even THEN you don't feel hooked I really don't know what will do...
It's a book that's completely beautiful and scary and real all on it's own. Captivating, thrilling, scary, bloody, thirsty, pink, musical, angelic, demonic, fallen, torturer...and just a really awesome piece of art. NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE HAD I EVER READ SOMETHING SO AWESOME AND UNIQUE BEFORE.

--If there was one thing to be counted on, it was how eagerly the mortals ignored what they didn't want to see. The truth passed right by, and never once did they open their eyes.--

What I got?
~insert deep breath~ Suicide is real! is out there, you can't hide from it just by not talking about it, it's part of our reality...But it can be prevented if people weren't so afraid of the sole mention of it and I praise and applaud Leah for breaching it the best way she could have; using, what she has proved, is her forte and gift, WRITING!

My completely shattered/all-over-the-place feelings:
This book will take you to places so dark in your mind you didn't even know existed.
All the characters, from Eden to Az, from Gabe to Luke, from Libby to Jarrod, from James to Adam..and from Madeline to Kristen(let's not forget Sebastian please)all of them were awesome and made for a wonderful ride of a book. 
Oh, Adam, who has a charm I could never have found in the dead before. Luke who I'm so intrigued with, I don't think is healthy. I even saw that Eden found true friendship in the mist of all her love life becomes through out the book.
She carries death, so many emotions can be felt at the same time, Eden proved me that! Feeling love, loss, pain, incredulity, loneliness, disdain, surprise, guilt, shock, happiness, complete, lost, but finally alone...she is a force of feelings all on her own. And to know that all these she felt just at the beginning while with Az. I couldn't even begin to guess what she'd be feeling through the whole rest of the book.
Leah gives "a kiss of death" a whole other meaning. Eden's breath, touch, her very being is that...TOUCH-DEATH-DARKNESS...and when she wants to get rid of it, she can't control it, all that weight off her shoulders with just a single motion of her fingers.

--"You're dead." A smile twitched her lips. "Live with it."--

-What would it take for us to fall and give in to our deepest and darkest selves?
-What'd happen if Eden were to touch us?
-How much Touch do you have in you? Because Touch you have people, you just aren't a Sider to acknowledge It in you.

Oh, that ending people, that ending...cliffhanger? Nope, can't find a word in my english to describe the ending, but kill you, it will.

Finally, I have to thank first Leah Clifford for bearing with me whenever I found her over twitter or facebook, I often asked for forgiveness because of me not having or reading her book. I had tauntrums, whiny comments, and more...thank you Leah for not ignoring me :) I loved and liked you even before reading your book, and for that I'll be forever greatfull and count on me on always supporting your work, this book is proof of just how tallented you are.
And Fiktshun once again, you play the part of my guardian angel in the booksphere, if it weren't for you I wouldn't even be here writing, what has to be, one of my longest reviews this year! Hope some people make it this far in my rambling! I am forever in debt and believe when I say you have no idea what an amazing person and blogger you are I know I'll never be able to repay you, from my heart I tell you, Gracias!

--"Death looks good on you."--

GUYS! even the freaking acknowledgements are AWESOME, how's THAT for a book, uh?

I give it BookPics special rating
10special-fotitos(special rating for over-the-top-I'll-never-get-over-this book) =
I cried for things I didn't know possible I was capable of.


  1. Okay, you've convinced me. I'll give this one a chance. Hopefully I'll love this one as much as you did!

    Rie @ Mission to Read

  2. Rie you just made my day! I've got a smile on my face now! thanks for stopping by and enjoy! I hope you love it as much as I did/do/will always do!

  3. I really didn't get this book! I got confused a LOT and I really don't even think I can review it!
    Methinks I'll have to give it another gander.

    Krazyyme @ Young Readers

  4. noooo Krazzyme T-T I really hope you get to like it and just enjoy it whenever you try it out next please don't give up on it...though we all know some books just aren't for us ;)


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